Make the money off domain name.
There are people who make hundreds of dollars and thousands more of it on the internet just selling domain name. The big question that you will ask at this point is, how?
Well, the answer is very easy, just as easy as you think. If you’re into buying and selling, you will know that for you to make a profit from what ever you sell, you must buy at a low price and sell at a higher price. Also in the stock market, one buys a stock when they are priced low and sell when they are price high.
The same apply with domain name; you register and buy a domain that has ‘value’. (This value is hidden in the words or group of words that make up the name.)
There are two stages or two ways of doing this.
1- You can domain name and hold it with the hope that some one is going to need it and then you can sell at a much higher price.
2- Or, you can register a domain and develop it into a website, get traffic to the name and it will sell for an amazing price after some time.
Some sites do sell as very high price that will leave a newbie very surprise. You can buy a domain for as little as $9.35 and sell for $200+ depending on the level to which you develop the website.
For on the price most domain are sold, see www.sedo.com
More on domain name and the money associated with it, keep a date with this site and you will get more tips.